Flanimals is a children's book series written by comedian Ricky Gervais. The book, illustrated by Rob Steen, depicts a list of seemingly useless or inadequate animals, and their behaviour.
The cover Flanimal is the Grundit. The book is published by Faber and Faber, which has also published the sequels More Flanimals, Flanimals of the Deep and Flanimals: The Day of the Bletchling. Flanimals: Pop Up was published October 2009 by Walker Books in the UK and March 2010 by Candlewick Press in the US.
Several models of different Flanimals are available on the official site.
List of Flanimals
- Blimble Sprent – a fast-moving Flanimal without arms that sprints around everywhere to avoid its destination and dies of exhaustion.
- Blunging – a hadrosaurid-like Flanimal that lives in big family groups.
- Clunge Ambler – an ape-like Flanimal that hugs everything it sees.
- Coddleflop – a mushy puddle which protects itself by flipping on to its head.
- Flemping Bunt-Himmler – a mimic of the Mernimbler, only wider and flatter.
- Frappled Humpdumbler – an octopus-like Flanimal who scrundles along the other.
- Glonk – a reptilian humanoid Flanimal who does absolutely nothing and dies.
- Gum Spudlet – a Flanimal resembling the Coddleflop and is food for the Grundit.
- Grundit – a dopey heavily-built Flanimal with a bump on its head.
- Hemel Sprot – a fast Flanimal that always looks where it's been. It is shown as a green blob, which moves using its two legs/feet. It looks backwards while moving forwards and is the prey of the Sprot Guzzlor.
- Honk – a small Flanimal that sleeps most of the time, waking randomly to emit a loud honk.
- Mernimbler – a furry small Flanimal but if you say it's cute and stroke it will transform into its adult stage
- Adult Mernimbler – an aggressive goblin-like adult stage of the Mernimbler.
- Munge Fuddler – a crab-like Flanimal that 'fuddles' everything it sees.
- Munty Flumple – a dopey optimist that falls in love with anything.
- Offledermis – a Flanimal born inside-out to avoid its own smell and has its heart above its inside-out eyeballs and constantly leaks.
- Plamglotis – an ape-like Flanimal that swallows its hands to walk.
- Plumboid Doppler – a Flanimal with green eyestalks and a lumpy squint-sack.
- Print – a humanoid Flanimal that dives off things and always lands on its head.
- Puddloflaj – a large water balloon-like Flanimal who is often ridden by the Grundit.
- Sprine Bloat-Trunker – a Flanimal that is created by a splunge pipe in the Sprog and Hemel Sprot recycling factory where it also is recycled.
- Sprog – an aggressive beetroot Flanimal.
- Sprot Guzzlor – a large Flanimal that preys on Hemel Sprots.
- Underblenge – a Flanimal that cannot move because of supposedly irresistible suction on its underside.
- Wobboid Mump – a blind eye in jelly looking for the reason of its existence.
Originality dispute
In August 2010, Norwich-based writer and artist John Savage issued a High Court writ, claiming that the original book is based on his own work, Captain Pottie's Wildlife Encyclopedia. The writ claims Savage's artistic and literary copyright has been infringed by Gervais. A spokeswoman for Gervais said the concept and illustrations existed before Savage's work.[1]
Originally ITV had commissioned a television series based on the books, which had a predicted air date of 2009, but it was later scrapped.[2]
On April 28, 2009, Variety reported that a 3-D, computer-animated feature film is in production at Illumination Entertainment, known for its 2010 summer blockbuster Despicable Me. Gervais will exec produce the film and also lend the voice to the lead character.[3]
External links
Television (creator and star) |
Other television work |
Film (writer/director and star) |
Stand-up (writer/performer) |
Other film work |
Other works |